Announcing the Monoceros Hard Fork and Gubiq 7.0

Luke Williams
The Ubiq Report
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2022


This article formally announces the Monoceros hard fork with upgrade details.

Hard Fork Block

Monoceros is the next hard fork for Ubiq and is planned to activate at block 1,981,337, currently estimated for February 28, 2022.


The Monoceros hark fork activates the final component of UIP-16, setting a base fee per gas floor of 80gwei. This release also sets the default miner tip to 1gwei.

Gubiq 7.0

Gubiq 7.0 full node is now available:

All services which run Ubiq nodes must upgrade ASAP. Fusion wallet will be updated to point to the latest version and you will automatically be prompted to upgrade.

Open Ethereum Pool

Updated Open Ethereum Pool is now available:

If you are a pool and have upgraded, please indicate on your pool’s front page that you are ready for the Monoceros hard fork.


This is a call to the community to please actively inform others about the Ubiq hard fork upgrade and to contact services and software providers that you currently use.


Here are some further questions not covered in the above:

What do I have to do with my coins?

Nothing. Ubiq holders can simply keep their coins on a private wallet, hardware wallet or on exchange.

Will I have to update Fusion?

Fusion will prompt you to update your version of Gubiq. The Fusion front end can remain unchanged.

Does this mean we will have two Ubiq chains like ETH and ETC?

This hard fork is part of our roadmap. This hard-fork upgrade is not contentious and therefore the likelihood of a chain split is low.

Are the exchanges supporting the upgrade?

Exchange partners have been notified of the update and we do not anticipate any issues.

Are hardware wallets supporting the upgrade?

Your hardware wallet requires no changes to use the upgraded chain. Wallet software like Pyrus and Sparrow will be updated with no effect on your Ledger or Trezor.

Thanks for checking in and be sure to follow the blog, Twitter, Github and join Ubiq Discord to help collaborate with the best community on the internet.

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